Обсуждение:Хонъимбо Сюсаку (KQvr';yuny&}kuanbQk VZvgtr)

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Honinbo in English, but Honimbo in Russian? 13:15, 9 июля 2010 (UTC)[ответить]

Sure. Polivanov cyrillization of Japanese changes «n» to «m» in positions before «m», «b» and «p» to reflect pronunciation. So Hon’inbo becomes Хонъимбо, Genma becomes Гэмма and so on. — Ari 13:29, 9 июля 2010 (UTC)[ответить]
Not only in Russian. See also en:Hepburn romanization#Variants of Hepburn romanization: -- deerstop. 17:22, 9 июля 2010 (UTC)[ответить]

In Japan itself, there are three variants officially mandated for various uses:

  • Railway Standard (鉄道掲示基準規程), in which the rendering of syllabic n as m before b, m, p is used. All JR railways and other major railways use this type for station names.