Обсуждение:ВВЭР-1000 (KQvr';yuny&FF|J-1000)

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Бывают полезны, помимо списка литературы. Из интересного:

  • Реактор ВВЭР1000 (модель). Режиссёр: Камаев Ю. М. 2008.
    Украинский доцент Камаев Ю. М. доступно и всерьёз разъясняет по теме статьи. Под не менее серьёзное музыкальное сопровождение. Поскольку, этот научно-познавательный фильм - всё же полулюбительский, да ещё с неизвестной степенью легальности музыкальной оранжировки, то включать ли ссылку в статью — на усмотрение автора статьи (как и по поводу всех остальных ниже).
    Да, музычка улыбнула конечно :)). В целом интересная графика и хорошие пояснения, но диктор... Всё портит. Huller 11:29, 11 марта 2011 (UTC)[ответить]
  • Ремонт реактора ВВЭР-1000. Смоленский учебно-тренировочный центр АтомТехЭнерго. 2002. Часть 2.
    К сожалению, самого видео по ссылке нет, только упоминание о нём. Зато всё официально.
    Самих по себе подобных фильмов существует несколько, так что ссылка без фильма не слишком ценна. Huller 11:29, 11 марта 2011 (UTC)[ответить]
  • Монтаж корпуса реактора ВВЭР-1000.
    Без озвучки, как в первом примере, но документальное видео с места событий. Правда, само место событий в одних источниках указано как Ростовская АЭС, в других - как Волгодонская.
    Её просто переименовали, а видео отличное, уникальная технологическая операция. Huller 11:29, 11 марта 2011 (UTC)[ответить]
  • Виртуальное путешествие по ядерному реактору ВВЭР-1000.
    От создателей: «Такого быстрого облета станции с проникновением в сам реактор не видел никто, даже блоггеры, побывавшие на Калининской, Волгодонской или Белоярской АЭС. Зато 3d моделирование показывает нам самые секретные уголки зданий и сооружений на территории атомной станции.»
    Уж больно примитивно всё и нарисовано плоховато... Huller 11:29, 11 марта 2011 (UTC)[ответить]
  • Энциклопедия атома. Внутри реактора. Россия-24. 2010.
    Есть про строящийся энергоблок ВВЭР-1000 на Калининской АЭС.--Fastboy 21:22, 10 марта 2011 (UTC)[ответить]
    Ну хотя как обычно журналисты без промахов в плане технологии не могут, но видеокадры очень и очень интересные и ценные. Несмотря на некоторые недостатки сопроводительного текста, такое нужно использовать. Huller 11:29, 11 марта 2011 (UTC)[ответить]
  • Ого! Мельком глянул, есть отличные ролики! Про монтаж я видео уже видел, а ведь хотел и сам его включить в статью, просто выскочило из головы. Остальное завтра посмотрю. Огромное спасибо! Huller 21:47, 10 марта 2011 (UTC)[ответить]
  • Посмотрел, две ссылки использую. Ещё раз спасибо! Huller 11:29, 11 марта 2011 (UTC)[ответить]


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На фотографии

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На фотографии ни какой не ядерный реактор, неужто не видно что это такоеЪ. 1Keundefined1 08:04, 5 января 2012 (UTC)[ответить]

На какой фотографии, что именно? Huller 09:10, 5 января 2012 (UTC)[ответить]


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Carbon dioxide pressure-temperature phase diagram
  • Carbon dioxide centrifugal compressor turbine[1] works with CO2 (or water or any refrigerant) and centrifugal compressor pumps instead condensers. Carbon dioxide vapor pressure is already 5.73MPa (57.3bar) at 20°C with boiling point -56.6°C, density liquid 1560 kg/m³, 1.977 kg/m³ (gas at 1 atm and 0 °C), critical point is at 31.1°C (7.38MPa) but also overcritical usable as supercritical carbon dioxide, no dipole molecule like H2O with just two instead three molecule rotation axes storing energy. The centrifugal compressors are sucking (causing a vacuum decreasing also the boiling point like the condensation of water steam turbines), compressing (not much needed means high throughput like at earth gas pipelining and liquidation) and pumping (like centrifugal pump) in one step for fluidization (without need for liquidation). It is not same like a closed-cycle gas turbine or brayton cycle with helium etc. because of possible real liquid phase. Instead with huge condensers(EPR Siemens turbines [2] 250t/unit 110 000m² internal surface needed because of high vacuum and condensation energy, 2448kg/s steam flow etc.) that are wasting the energy into the environment centrifugal compressors are not loosing any energy also not the energy of the centrifugal compressors because going and staying inside the CO/2 fluid or liquid. The backflow after the ultra low turbine step and compressing can reach <0°C and is usable for cooling (same preheating) of generator, compressor, maybe also of existing turbine condensers, all surfaces etc. combined with fully thermal isolation of all the turbine system until heated up fully again at thermal input for repeated steam inlet. This turbine cycle can reach near 100% efficiency and it´s efficiency is not dependent on high input temperatures that are just decreasing the turbine system size. At 500°C supercritical carbon dioxide is reaching about 20MPa and more possible with VHTR or coal power plants (about 580°C). Carbon dioxide turbines are also usable with very low temperature heat sources like from environment air or water special in countries where cooling is wanted, from air conditions, special also from normally wasted heat (>60%) of car engines or old turbine type condensors with middle efficiency just 40%.


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Correction for boron reserve to 1 billion not only million t and also N-15 must be used with N-11 for RBN reactor en:boron nitride or with C for RBC B4C. Possible new separation methods over B2H6 and NH3 instead BF3 and N2 in gas centrifuges. Instead cBN plates for Odin sand core catcher better ZrB2 en:Zirconium diboride melting 3246°C over used pebbles with HfC 3890°C for spread dome under core and mass out of cheap MgO blocks with a mass of sand about 3m high falling down usable also for Na breeder... Kay

The way to a new Li-7 moderated and cooled thorium breeding reactor is short using a old Na-breeder if material melting points are set high enough for holding Li-7 boiling bubbles over 1340°C causing a slow down not available for Na and delivering more reserves also with high critical point 2950°C (water 370°C) and higher specific heat capacity/kg about 3/4 of water instead for NaK only 1/4. The uranium breeding blanket can be exchanged with thorium combined with less enriched nuclear starting fuel. If the preheating is not strong enough for 180°C instead 60°C it can be changed or external heating used. Addable also SiC cladding like EM² from GA but long time best is Odin Li-7 HTR design with thermal flow tungsten alloy tube core about 12m high for 2m diameter combined with new RBN fuel and RBN absorber pebbles in 2 sizes about 1-3cm diameter going up inside Li-7 and down around there around multiple cycle normal Li going upwards and around down then to turbines and back again and around low melting concrete and steel with cooling ribs. The pebbles can be taken always in and out with sieves etc. Turnable control rods are also used around inside and bottom absorbing. The design is extreme compact, efficient and secure (full secure all cases) and with lowest cost/GWe better all existing reactors despite maybe THOR pebble bed HTR design with RBN slow thorium breeding pebbles or fast breeding pebbles out of thinTiC and inside with pure Si and MgO and adapted nuclear fuel also using Li divide cycles, turnable rods and much more improving changes added.

Independant from reactors are CO2-compressor turbines using CO2 with steam pressure already 5.74MPa at 20°C critical point 31°C and about 1560kg/m³ for sucking and pumping centrifugal compressors instead energy wasting condensors with backflow likely <0°C used for cooling all surfaces etc. same preheating with thermal isolation added around leaving only thermal input & el. output for near 100% efficiency also with low temperature sources like from old condensors, engines, environmental and solar heat etc.

THOR He-c11BN/SiC-Li/NaK77-pebble bed VHTR unburnable with Full Zero Risk and more compact(++ODIN Li/Na/K-Li-c11BN/SiC-pebbles-pillar VHTR using lithium as excellent moderator + coolant) THOR He-c11BN/SiC-Li/NaK77-pebble bed VHTR unburnable with Full Zero Risk and more compact because density of cBN with isotope 11B or SiC is higher than for graphite. c11BN about same moderation like graphite but unburnable, stable and dense up to 2800°C (graphite weak >2500° and porous), melting 2973°C thermal conductivity >> copper 740W/(m*K), unsoluble in water, near diamond hard both hot harder diamond, density cBN 3,45 g·cm−3 graphite 2,1 - 2,3g/ccm SiC 3,21 g·cm−3, about 100$/kg for cBN without 10B/11B dividing, 10 mio t world borone reserves with 80% 11B and recycable. cBN is cubic borone nitride, SiC is silicium carbide. Pebbles can be fully out of c11BN because moderation like graphite without SiC layer against outgoing of the fission products like in 0.9mm TRISO or QUADRISO particles inside pebbles OR fully out of SiC for fast breed mode combined with tungsten reflector, instead also possible direct gas turbine construction divide circles with NaK77 eutecticum melting -12.6°C boiling 785°C (maybe pressurized) or preheated cheap (6$/l) lithium melting 180°C boiling 1340°C securer with high boiling point and best thermal capacity of all earth alkali metals out to mercury+water-steam turbines, 3*stopp <1s with stoppsandsystem and stopping not collecting bottom part, turnable stoppregulation rods with refelctor/aborber side inside neutrone cone inside tungsten side reflector turned to stopp by spring <1s holded el. magn. for run position, inner shorter stopp rods spring accelerated el. magn holded before falling through inner 11BN/W-tubes with holes between pebble bed <1s in middle additionally used normally as helium chimneys for inner thermal fan supported helium flow through pebble bed and holding W-basket up and all around down, wall out of W/Mo/ThC/U238C-steel with cooling rips outside, thick concrete, double wall out of Mo/W-steel with coolant Li/NaK77 all around and cBN-plates with cooling rips increasing surface to helium circle at top c11B/W side cBN bottom c10BN with W-reflector closed holes in basket against neutron lsos, inner stopp rods holded by W-rope for removing upwards and saving space in height, over pebble bed is stoppsand room also same colled with el. magn. holded flaps for stoppsand (SiO2+neutron absorbers) also in case of He-pressure loss with SiO2 holding < melt point 1715°C and boiling point >2200°C also erasing inner fire in case of graphite use. Security 100% for quake >12 tsunami > 100m and A380 crash because staying closed & opend still secure with He not radioactive&pebbles closed. Like other pebble beds negative temperature coefficient security and no need for active cooling & electricity. THOR description add: Walking way inside stoppsandroom with cooled between roof to pebble bed with machinery for turnable stoppregulation-rods and addable fans to passive thermal helium flow with engines there and exhangable bearings... for fans inside under closed entry with double bunkered doors also for helium refill and Xe, Kr extraction or for entry over flaps into inner pebble bed side also for exhausting stoppsand used as last reserve not dividable if upon after <1s in case of bunker blaster break through also erasing fires and overtaking better cooling than with helium without pressure in lost case. Inside also passive melting switches+bolts and mercury shock swap switches. THOR main block is seure also if turbines cut away and tubes there broken without any need for active cooling and any electricity in accident cases also extreme closed with special hard melting point rised steel+thick concrete+double steel+BN+W until unburnable, unsolubable and diamond hard c11BN-pebbles with stoppsand reached. Mercury turbines matching excellent with VHT used historically with only problem to low temperatures with coal today mercury amount to be saved because price high about 450$/l lithium 6$/l but with much higher efficiencies possible in combination with water steam turbines heated by water mercury condenser and turbine cooling. c11BN can be molten under inert gas in special stoven maybe also etched with not only fuel rest at high burn up rates interesting more 11B saving. At about 100$/kg for cBN maybe for masses later same price like for c11BN about 400t for >0.5GWE only 40 million $ with planned mass end price one billion $ same 2 billion $/GWe cheaper than EPR finnland 6 bill. €/1.6 GWe ! Using just tungsten for basket+side reflector+bettwen roof+inner hole tubes in combination with SiC pebbles most secure fast breeder ever build in world but also ODIN a securer fast breeder with stoppsand core catcher system add.

ODIN Li/Na/K-Li-c11BN/SiC-pebbles-pillar VHTR using lithium as excellent moderator + coolant & excellent security VOID for inner circle without fuel or stopp rods but stopp & fuel pebbles continiously in and out of inner thermal (+el. magn.pumped) lithium stream up through a tungsten reflector tube and around down. Again around up and down with Li-divide circles then to mercury+water-steam-turbines. 2 * stopp pebble insertion <1s at bottom and middle high, ADDITIONALLY stoppsand core catcher under inner circle tube out of HfC(3890°C)/TaHfC + cBN-plates and thick Mo/ZrO2/MgO with c11BN/SiC-pebbles rolling closed out until buried under stoppsandmountaion as secure sand melter until decay heat too low without build up of pressure and spreading risk opend, lithium also burned not spreading with burning protection gas like Xe, SF6 or cheap argon Ar, lithium is paramagnetic for contactless iot moving parts el. magn pumps. Between core tube, heat exchange and upon no free space left for compactness with 2-3*core heat transfer possibility up to boiling point 1340°C without pressure after falling moderation over bubbles called VOID the pressure holded with critical point (thermodynamic) 2950°C mercury ca. 1500°C water 374°C already. Lithium also binding tritium, bromine and iodine like wished, not expanding on solidification like expensive bismut(+eutecticums), high thermal expansion for thermal flow with He-filled expansion room for bubbles. Pebbles in/out over sieves... also quick insertion of stopp pebbles out of c10BN/c11BN with absorber or other material combinations with neutron absorbers like B,Si,In,Cd,Sm,Dy,Gd,Er,Th,Lu,Ho,Tm+xenon gas. USING Na or K instead Li with SiC pebbles fast breeder mode else high moderated for much thorium use or less enrichment fuel. ODIN description add: Up and down around tungsten reflector tube with some isolation between maybe concrete can be passive thermal with addable el. magn. pumping of preheated paramagnetic lithium(build already for Na) . Around again heat exhange with as much as needed surface increament first up and around down the to the side to the turbines and back encolsed again with thick also isolating concrete also melting buffer before steels melting with outside coolimng rips steel again there but less spreading with less radioactive lithium & normally always closed c11BN or SiC pebbles not opening also at core catching time about >2000° bottom out spreaded and stopped with HfC/TaHfC-dome + huge (400m²?) ZrB2/TiB2 -plates spread area and thick sintered MgO(no water)/Mo/ZrO2 with passive heat movement optimized also to bottom over ankering Mo-steel rods and up to pillar into space of stoppsand store with energy going just into melting of sand taking much more energy than same volume of water without rising pressure and spread risk opend. Also el.magn divide circles pumping addable to also a security thermal flow and always passive heat away in high temp. area not melting not building up pressure or less holdable pressure then active cooling adds with secured electricity added. No graphite, no water inside, no pressure needed or not much build up all cases with also no active cooling or electricity neeed in emergeny cases. Stopping pebbles going inside without electricity needed for holding flap sieve that are holding the stopp-pebbles before against streming inside side chamber near bottom down area and middle high reserve system together <1s active. Fuel and stopp pebbles with 2 different sizes for selected extraction of all or just single pebbles with sieves insdie lithium main stream also relyable. Like for pebble bed normally about 10 times through over 3 years always measured for reinsertion/extraction with possible opening for out taking. ODIN don´t wasting space between core and heat exchange or for crane upon with long heat up way upwards inside tungsten relector tube inside lithium and long cool down way downwards with excellent cBN+Li heat movement for much more power same outer size than EPR and much more efficiency over high temp. collecting and using alls heat and the mercury + water steam combination with critical point mercury 1500°C. Possible exchange of Li with Na or K combined with SiC pebbles for fast breeder mode driven on lower temp. maybe under some higher pressure. Instead fuel pebbles also direct into lithium nuclear fuel insertion and extraction together with maybe chem. bound fission products possible In principle ODIN also running also with conventional stopp+ fuel rods using lithium and maybe c11BN/SiC cladding but pebbles later better ! EPR must wait until fuel rods molten and open for core catching with just 0.5m sacrifice concrete just under core and ZrO2 and just cheap early melting cast iron 170m² spread area with limited to less toilet water cooling system IRWST storing up much rad. pressured H2-water steam driven normally with just 325°C at 160bar and presure loss problem and overpressure problem later and H2 passive converters just holing <10% & explosive border 4% H2 in air instead secure Li/He+sand combination ! Unclear if generator snorkels quake proof >30m with diversitären gens. and melting switch for stopp rods in case of electronic failures added ? kayuweboehm(at)yahoo.de 06:44, 15 октября 2017 (UTC)[ответить]

Сообщение об ошибке

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Перенесено со страницы ВП:Сообщения об ошибках#ВВЭР-1000.

На фото "Верхняя часть ТВС" изображена ТВС реактора PWR квадратного сечения. На отечественных реакторах ВВЭР ТВС имеют шестигранную форму. В этом можно убедиться в сотнях книг, например Деменьев Б.А. Ядерные энергетические реакторы.

Автор сообщения: Воробьев А.В. [email protected] 15:43, 23 августа 2017 (UTC)[ответить]

К обсуждению --Well-Informed Optimist (?!) 14:51, 26 сентября 2017 (UTC)[ответить]

Актуальная новость

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15 ноября Научно-исследовательский центр «Курчатовский институт» сообщил об успешном завершении уникальной операции по первому в истории мировой атомной энергетики отжигу корпуса 1000-мегаваттного водно-водяного реактора ВВЭР-1000. По результатам отжига корпус реактора ВВЭР-1000 получил дополнительные 15 лет разрешенного срока службы. Ссылка: http://www.atomic-energy.ru/news/2018/11/20/90569 Новость интересная, хотел включить ее в статью, но не придумал куда. --Орай-Орай (обс.) 18:45, 21 ноября 2018 (UTC)[ответить]

  1. originator rights by kayuweboehm(at)yahoo.de
  2. http://www.energy.siemens.com/hq/pool/hq/power-generation/power-plants/conventional-island/downloads/raising_steam_on_an_unprecedented_scale.pdf