Шаблон:ME-ref (OgQlku&ME-ref)

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Данные шаблоны используются для быстрого добавления ссылок на книги о Средиземье.

  • {{ME-ref}} - Displays detailed reference information for the source
  • {{ME-source}} - List of source texts used by ME-ref


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{{ME-ref|<book>|<section>}} - Creates a full reference for the specified book

The optional <section> parameter should be a section of the text referenced and the <book> any of the following:

Первичные источники

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Source Abbreviations ME-ref
The Hobbit TH, Hobbit, or The Hobbit TH
The Fellowship of the Ring FotR, TFotR, FR, Fellowship, The Fellowship of the Ring, or LotR1 FotR
The Two Towers TT, TTT, Two Towers, The Two Towers, or LotR2 TT
The Return of the King RotK, TRotK, RK, Return of the King, or The Return of the King, LotR3 RotK
The Silmarillion S, Sil, Silm, TS, Silmarillion, or The Silmarillion Silm
The Children of Húrin HUR, TCOH, COH, CH, Hurin, or The Children of Hurin Hur
Bilbo's Last Song BLS or Bilbo's Last Song BLS
The Road Goes Ever On RGEO or The Road Goes Ever On RGEO
The Tolkien Reader TR, Tolkien Reader, or The Tolkien Reader TR
J. R. R. Tolkien: Tree and Leaf T&L or Tree & Leaf T&L
J. R. R. Tolkien: The Monsters & the Critics M&C, MC, Monsters, or The Monsters and the Critics M&C
Mister Bliss MB, Bliss, or Mister Bliss MB
The Adventures of Tom Bombadil Bombadil, TB TB
Roverandom R or Roverandom R
Letters from Father Christmas FC, LFC, or Letters from Father Christmas FC
The Letters of J. R. R. Tolkien Letters or TLoJRRT Letters
The Tolkien Family Album TFA, Family Album, or Tolkien Family Album TFA
Pictures by J.R.R. Tolkien P or Pictures P
The Story of Kullervo SK, Kullervo SK

Первичные источники со вторичными комментариями

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Source Abbreviations ME-ref
Unfinished Tales UT or Unfinished Tales UT
Finn and Hengest FH, Finn and Hengest, Finn & Hengest, or Finn Hengest FH
The History of the Hobbit HotH, HH or The History of the Hobbit HotH
The Book of Lost Tales 1, I, BolT, LT, LT1, TBolT, Lost Tales, or The Book of Lost Tales BoLT
The Book of Lost Tales II 2, II, BolT2, LT2, TBolT2, Lost Tales 2, Lost Tales II, or The Book of Lost Tales II BoLT2
The Lays of Beleriand 3, III, LoB, LB, TLoB, Lays, or The Lays of Beleriand LoB
The Shaping of Middle-earth 4, IV, SoME, SM, TSoME, Shaping, or The Shaping of Middle-earth SoME
The Lost Road and Other Writings1 5, V, LRoW, LR, TLRoW, Lost Road, or The Lost Road and Other Writings LROW
The Return of the Shadow 6, VI, RotS, RS, TRotS, Return of the Shadow, or The Return of the Shadow RotS
The Treason of Isengard 7, VII, ToI, TI, TToI, Treason, or The Treason of Isengard ToI
The War of the Ring 8, VIII, WotR, WR, TWotR, War of the Ring, or The War of the Ring WotR
Sauron Defeated 9, IX, SD or Sauron Defeated SD
Morgoth's Ring 10, X, MR or Morgoth's Ring MR
The War of the Jewels 11, XI, WotJ, WJ, TWotJ, War of the Jewels, or The War of the Jewels WotJ
The Peoples of Middle-earth 12, XII, PoME, PM, TPoME, Peoples, or The Peoples of Middle-earth PoME
The Lord of the Rings: A Reader's Companion RC or Reader's Companion RC
J. R. R. Tolkien: Artist and Illustrator A&I or Artist & Illustrator A&I
Vinyar Tengwar2 VT or Vinyar Tengwar VT
Beren and Lúthien B&L or Beren & Lúthien B&L
The Fall of Gondolin FG or Fall of Gondolin FG
The Nature of Middle-earth NM or Nature of Middle-earth NM
The Fall of Númenor FN or Fall of Númenor FN

Вторичные источники

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Source Abbreviations ME-ref
J. R. R. Tolkien: A Biography Carpenter, Bio or Biography Carpenter
J. R. R. Tolkien: A Descriptive Bibliography DB, Bibliography, or Descriptive Bibliography DB
The J.R.R. Tolkien Companion and Guide: Chronology CHR or Chronology CHR
The J.R.R. Tolkien Companion and Guide: Reader's Guide RG or Reader's Guide RG
The Ring of Words: Tolkien and the Oxford English Dictionary OED, RoW, or Ring of Words OED
The Complete Guide to Middle-earth CG or Complete Guide CG
The Atlas of Middle-earth AoME or Atlas AoME
Journeys of Frodo JoF or Journeys of Frodo JoF
A Gateway to Sindarin GtS, Gateway, or Gateway to Sindarin GtS
Tolkien and the Great War TGW, Garth, or Tolkien and the Great War TGW
Languages, Myths and History LMH, Solopova, Languages or Languages, Myths and History LMH
The Road to Middle-earth ROAD, Road to Middle-earth ROAD
J. R. R. Tolkien: Author of the Century AUTHOR, Author of the Century Author
  1. Employing {{ME-ref|LROW|Etym(ologies)}} provides easy references to The Etymologies, see the examples below
  2. Vinyar Tengwar is a journal series rather than a book, and requires additional parameters:
    • for ME-ref: |last=<last name of author of article>|first=<first name of author of article>|title=<name of article>|volume=<edition appearing in>|year=<year published>

  • The Letters of J. R. R. Tolkien / editor Carpenter, Humphrey. — London: Allen & Unwin, 1981. — ISBN 0-04-826005-3.
  • Tolkien, J. R. R. The Lost Road and Other Writings / editor Christopher Tolkien. — London: George Allen & Unwin, 1987. — ISBN 978-0261102255.

Some fact needing verification.[1][2] Another disputable text.[2][3] Explanation of an Elvish name.[4]

  1. Carpenter, 1981, #131 p. 117
  2. 1 2 Lost Road,, "The Later Annals of Beleriand", p. 152
  3. Lost Road,, Appendix, III "The second 'Silmarillion' map", p. 407
  4. Etymologies,, entries KHIL-, NDŪ-

(See the wiki markup of this section for the actual results of template substitution.)