Обсуждение:Теория всего (KQvr';yuny&Mykjnx fvyik)

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Другая точка зрения опирается на законы, названные Нобелевским лауреатом по физике Стивеном Вайнбергом — законами «свободного плавания», которые определяют поведение сложных систем. Критика последней точки зрения обращает внимание на то, что в такой формулировке «теория всего» нарушает принцип бритвы Оккама.

Запутанная формулировка. Критика Вайнбергом или Вайнберга? «Такой» относится к какой из точек зрения? Athari 17:27, 9 июня 2007 (UTC)[ответить]

Физический вакуум

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Физический вакуум согласно его охвату многих явлений, известных физике, обязан дать ответы на такие проблемы, как распространение света в "пустоте" на основе уравнений Максвелла, на природу гравитации и инерции и на условия существования во Вселенной самого вещества. В качестве первых шагов в этом направлении были "море" Дирака, явления флуктуации вакуума, дающие Лэмбовский сдвиг в излучениях атомов, виртуальные частицы обмена во взаимодействиях микро-частиц Р.Фейнмана. Ниже дан комментарий возможного исследования физического вакуума на основе превращения гамма-квантов в пары частиц вещества и антивещества. Язык - аглийский. Причина: наличие статей на эту тему.

Physical vacuum

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Dr. A.V.Rykov Chief of Seismometry lab. of IPE RAN, Moscow, Russia.

Vacuum, where matter exists is an objective reality of Nature. It has a structure consists of electrical massless dipoles. This structure is responsible for gravitation, inertia and propagation of light (EMW). The structure can be influenced by the electrical, magnetic forces and by radiation and thus control the gravitation and inertia. Void is only void and nothing more. Void cannot have any physical properties. For example, vacuum has physical parameters, i.e. dielectric and magnetic penetrability. That's why vacuum cannot be a void or empty space of the Universe. Let's consider the structure vacuum in details. At first we'll remove a blunder of physics presented by Coulomb's formula. It lies in the fact that permittivity of vacuum were put to the denominator of formulas for electric and magnetic forces. We'l introduce inverse values:


It is a magnetic constant of vacuum equal to inverse value of magnetic permittivity.

is a dielectric constant of vacuum equal to inverse value of dielectric permittivity.

Newton's and Coulomb's formulas get an identical view. Speed of light gets more logical idea . Experimental physics presents necessary data for the study of vacuum. We mean the data on "photoeffects" in vacuum, on nuclei and nucleons [Karjakin N.I. and others, 1964]. Let's remind the values of gamma-quanta energies: 1, 137, 1836, 3672 MeV (2m_ec^2,137\cdot 2m_ec^2,1836\cdot 2m_ec^2,1836\cdot 4m_ec^2). This series of energy gives a valuable information for the physical ideas about the structure of vacuum and matter [Rykov A.V. 2001].

Gamma-quanta of ν frequency deforms the structure of cosmic vacuum. Being within the size of between its elements, gamma-quanta creates a deformation . The deformation energy will be , where is a elementary charge, E - is electrical intensity of the structure. Equation of the energy will be


where h - is a Plank's constant. Deformation is function of time


Let's define the intensity of electrical field, where N is some coefficient of proportionality:


Let's put the obtained expressions, amplitude from (2) and intensity from (3) to (1):


We can assume quite naturally that - is speed of light. Let's find an unknown quantity:

 ! (5),

where . We have got a well known formula of Plank's constant (5):


On this stage we should clear a situation with chose of numerical values for h or . All next values are calculated on the base of h. But the is in reality more fundamental then h, because the last one is derivative from - vacuum parameters. The choice made here is based upon this quite new study of vacuum. Gamma--quantum of energy w≥1 MeV interacting with vacuum changes a "virtual" electron-positron pair to the real ones. The energy equation of this change is:


where - distance between charges (+) and (-) of vacuum structure, . The last exact value is determined below. Let's find  :


We have from (2) under assumption . In other words,it is the limit of the vacuum deformation above what a rupture of structure ties occurred:


Deformation of structure lower than the given value has electrostatic character. Let's find the coefficient of elasticity b from a forth equation:


Another useful parameters of vacuum will be next:

(11) and


The names for this parameters are not jet known.To that stage we get the main parameters of the vacuum structure.

Some consequences from the vacuum structure.

1. Dielectric vacuum media has a tied charges. The moving charge generate a dielectric Maxwell's displacement current j. This current generate magnetic strength . The H is necessary magnetic component to the E for the Electromagnetic wave (light). The vacuum structure is natural media for light exciting and propagation in space.

2. Nature of quantum mechanic's (QM) are defined by the vacuum structure. Compton's length of an electron is equal (13).

The expression - - completely defined by parameters of vacuum. Another words - the permitted electron orbits in atoms are defined by structure of vacuum (the nature of QM).

3. De Brogl's wave . Plank's constant is completely defined by the parameters of vacuum - formula (6). This leads to the sin-way of a particle trajctory what confine the diffraction appearance in a nature.

4. Electron mass can be produced by exited vacuum .

5. The laws of Newton and Coulomb can be united next way.

and - the electrical charge on one kg of any mass. The same value may be presented thorough a micro parameters - .

6. Gravitational constant is defined by parameters of vacuum where kg. It is indirect evidence of electrical nature of gravitation. The vacuum has a very smal superiority one charge respect to other. Correctly in 21 sign of electron charge. On the law of Faraday induction a charged media attracts all bodis to each other. Ratio of mass attraction and vacuum repultion in Universe forms Λ - coefficient in Einstein's theory.

7. Acceleration of mass or of gravity force creates a vacuum deformation and the last one can be calculated by formula:


For instance the deformation under Earth gravity would be . A force of accelerated mass is determined by and is an elastic force of resistance to accelerated motion.

8. Maximum of a gravity acceleration is defined from . It defines "horizons of events" and evaporation of "Black Holes" discovered theoretically by Hawking.

9. Indirect evidence of reality of all represented hire consideration we get from next correlations:

(14), kg.

We are already met this mass at point (6). What does it mean? First of all this mass can be a smallest "black hole" with size m. Secondly we find a remarkable coincidence Q - very close to the electron charge. Again we get indirect evidence in behalf of the represented vacuum paradigm. All values like appears to be very close tightened each with other.

10. And now there is the most fantastic a practical outcome: as we see gravitation and inertia forces are connected with a deformation of vacuum structure. And becourse of this circumstance we can control those forces, for instance, by electrical intensity. However, to compensate the Earth gravity it is necessary to applied V/m. That is impossible. The experience conducted by russian scientist Roschin V.V. and Godin S.M. [Roschin, Godin, 2000] show that alternative magnetic intensity H may reduce the gravity and inertia vacuum deformations. Strong magnets rotated up to velocity 550 rpm. After achieving that velocity the rotor was speeding rotation without any outer power supply (decrease the momentum of inertia). It is needed to add power consumption about 6 KWatt to brake the rotation. The reduction of the vacuum deformation is possible to estimate by formulas. According to Maxwell's we have . Approximatly . Eventually we get v m.


It is discovered the structure of vacuum - the necessary media for Universe to live in. The light (EMW), gravity, inertia, atoms of matter etc. may not to exist without the media -structured vacuum. The structure of vacuum has many applications in different fields of science.


Karyakin N.I. and others. Abridged guide on physics.M.:1964, 560 p.(in russian).

Roschin V.V., Godin S.M. Experimental research of physical effects in dynamic magnetic system. The letters to MTPh, St.Pb, 2000, v.26, is.24, 73-81 p.(in russian).

Rykov A.V. Principles of natural physics. OIPhE RAS, M.:2001, 58 p.(in russian).

Теория Гэрретта Лизи

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Вроде как, вот тут не полную ерунду пишут. И в английской вики об этом есть статья. Кто бы взялся об этом здесь написать? --gul 07:53, 6 декабря 2007 (UTC)[ответить]

[править код] 19:57, 14 ноября 2015 (UTC)== Переименовать статью в "Единая теория поля"!!! Нет такого термина "Теория всего". ==[ответить]

! 05:41, 11 декабря 2011 (UTC)[ответить]

В английском есть терминологические различия между en:Theory of everything и en:Unified field theory, в русском — не знаю. --Melirius 08:50, 11 декабря 2011 (UTC)[ответить]

А разве не Стивен Хокинг объяснял этот термин? 19:57, 14 ноября 2015 (UTC)[ответить]

Теория всего

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"...прадед Ийона Тихого, персонажа научно-фантастического цикла Станислава Лема, работал над «Общей теорией всего»." Ogólna Teoria Wszystkiego. «Звездные дневники Ийона Тихого». «Путешествие двадцать восьмое» (1966). В английском понятие the theory of everything, насколько мне известно, введено в оборот Хокингом в 1980 г., так что приоритет за Лемом. Константин Душенко. 11:23, 14 июля 2020 (UTC)[ответить]