Обсуждение:Мегаколлибия широкопластинчатая (KQvr';yuny&ByigtkllnQnx onjktkhlgvmnucgmgx)

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(Sorry - I don't speak any Russian... :-/) I've got Literature here („Pilze - Die wichtigsten Speise- und Giftpilze“ by Gerlinde Hausner) that says that it was considered edible once, but now there have been documented cases of intoxication and another book („Essbare Pilze und ihre giftigen Doppelgänger“ by Hans E. Laux) tells that it can cause gastrointestinal disorders. Maybe somebody should update the information on edibility/toxicity here...-- 00:08, 1 сентября 2011 (UTC)[ответить]