Модуль:Тю сёги (Bk;rl,&MZ v~in)
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Этот модуль оценён как бета-версия. Он готов для широкого применения, но должен применяться с осторожностью. |
local p = {}
local function image_square( pc, row, col, size )
local colornames = {
l = { m = 'white', f = 'white' },
d = { m = 'black', f = 'black' }
local piecenames = {
am = { name = 'angle mover', gender = 'm', japname='角', fulljapname='角行' },
bt = { name = 'blind tiger', gender = 'm', japname='虎', fulljapname='盲虎' },
cg = { name = 'copper general', gender = 'm', japname='銅', fulljapname='銅将' },
dh = { name = 'dragon horse', gender = 'm', japname='馬', fulljapname='龍馬' },
dk = { name = 'dragon king', gender = 'm', japname='龍', fulljapname='龍王' },
de = { name = 'drunk elephant', gender = 'm', japname='象', fulljapname='酔象' },
fl = { name = 'ferocious leopard', gender = 'm', japname='豹', fulljapname='猛豹 ' },
fc = { name = 'flying chariot', gender = 'm', japname='飛', fulljapname='飛車' },
fo = { name = 'flying ox', gender = 'm', japname='牛', fulljapname='飛牛' },
fs = { name = 'flying stag', gender = 'm', japname='鹿', fulljapname='飛鹿' },
pn = { name = 'foot soldier', gender = 'm', japname='歩', fulljapname='歩兵' },
fb = { name = 'free boar', gender = 'm', japname='猪', fulljapname='奔猪' },
fk = { name = 'free king', gender = 'm', japname='奔', fulljapname='奔王' },
gb = { name = 'go-between', gender = 'm', japname='仲', fulljapname='仲人' },
gg = { name = 'golden general', gender = 'm', japname='金', fulljapname='金将' },
hf = { name = 'horned falcon', gender = 'm', japname='鷹', fulljapname='角鷹' },
ic = { name = 'incense chariot', gender = 'm', japname='香', fulljapname='香車' },
jd = { name = 'jade general', gender = 'm', japname='玉', fulljapname='玉将' },
kg = { name = 'king general', gender = 'm', japname='王', fulljapname='王将' },
kn = { name = 'kirin', gender = 'm', japname='麒', fulljapname='麒麟' },
ln = { name = 'lion', gender = 'm', japname='獅', fulljapname='獅子' },
px = { name = 'phoenix', gender = 'm', japname='鳳', fulljapname='鳳凰' },
pr = { name = 'prince', gender = 'm', japname='太', fulljapname='太子' },
rc = { name = 'reverse chariot', gender = 'm', japname='反', fulljapname='反車' },
sm = { name = 'side mover', gender = 'm', japname='横', fulljapname='横行' },
sg = { name = 'silver general', gender = 'm', japname='銀', fulljapname='銀将' },
se = { name = 'soaring eagle', gender = 'm', japname='鷲', fulljapname='飛鷲' },
tn = { name = 'tokin', gender = 'm', japname='と', fulljapname='と金' },
vm = { name = 'vertical mover', gender = 'm', japname='竪', fulljapname='竪行' },
we = { name = 'whale', gender = 'm', japname='鯨', fulljapname='鯨鯢' },
wh = { name = 'white horse', gender = 'm', japname='駒', fulljapname='白駒' },
ia = { name = 'inverted angle mover', gender = 'm', japname='角', fulljapname='角行' },
ih = { name = 'inverted dragon horse', gender = 'm', japname='馬', fulljapname='龍馬' },
id = { name = 'inverted dragon king', gender = 'm', japname='龍', fulljapname='龍王' },
ie = { name = 'inverted drunk elephant', gender = 'm', japname='象', fulljapname='酔象' },
it = { name = 'inverted flying chariot', gender = 'm', japname='飛', fulljapname='飛車' },
ik = { name = 'inverted free king', gender = 'm', japname='奔', fulljapname='奔王' },
il = { name = 'inverted lion', gender = 'm', japname='獅', fulljapname='獅子' },
is = { name = 'inverted side mover', gender = 'm', japname='横', fulljapname='横行' },
iv = { name = 'inverted vertical mover', gender = 'm', japname='竪', fulljapname='竪行' }
local symnames = {
xx = 'black cross',
ox = 'white cross',
xo = 'black circle',
oo = 'white circle',
ul = 'arrow up-left',
ua = 'arrow up',
ur = 'arrow up-right',
la = 'arrow left',
ra = 'arrow right',
dl = 'arrow down-left',
da = 'arrow down',
dr = 'arrow down-right',
lr = 'arrow left-right',
ud = 'arrow up-down',
x0 = 'zero',
x1 = 'one',
x2 = 'two',
x3 = 'three',
x4 = 'four',
x5 = 'five',
x6 = 'six',
x7 = 'seven',
x8 = 'eight',
x9 = 'nine',
local colchar = {'12','11','10','9','8','7','6','5','4','3','2','1'}
local color = mw.ustring.gsub( pc, '^.*(%w)(%w)(%w).*$', '%3' ) or ''
local piece = mw.ustring.gsub( pc, '^.*(%w)(%w)(%w).*$', '%1%2' ) or ''
local alt = colchar[col] .. row .. ' '
if colornames[color] and piecenames[piece] then
alt = alt .. colornames[color][piecenames[piece]['gender']] .. ' ' .. piecenames[piece]['name']
alt = alt .. ( symnames[piece .. color] or piece .. ' ' .. color )
fn = ''
if pc == 'aml' then
fn = 'Angle_Mover_(Chu_Hieroglyph)'
elseif pc == 'amd' then
fn = 'Angle_Mover_(Chu_Hieroglyph)-opposite'
elseif pc == 'btl' then
fn = 'Blind_Tiger_(Chu_Hieroglyph)'
elseif pc == 'btd' then
fn = 'Blind_Tiger_(Chu_Hieroglyph)-opposite'
elseif pc == 'cgl' then
fn = 'Copper_General_(Chu_Hieroglyph)'
elseif pc == 'cgd' then
fn = 'Copper_General_(Chu_Hieroglyph)-opposite'
elseif pc == 'dhl' then
fn = 'Dragon_Horse_(Chu_Hieroglyph)'
elseif pc == 'dhd' then
fn = 'Dragon_Horse_(Chu_Hieroglyph)-opposite'
elseif pc == 'dkl' then
fn = 'Dragon_King_(Chu_Hieroglyph)'
elseif pc == 'dkd' then
fn = 'Dragon_King_(Chu_Hieroglyph)-opposite'
elseif pc == 'del' then
fn = 'Drunk_Elephant_(Chu_Hieroglyph)'
elseif pc == 'ded' then
fn = 'Drunk_Elephant_(Chu_Hieroglyph)-opposite'
elseif pc == 'fll' then
fn = 'Ferocious_Leopard_(Chu_Hieroglyph)'
elseif pc == 'fld' then
fn = 'Ferocious_Leopard_(Chu_Hieroglyph)-opposite'
elseif pc == 'fcl' then
fn = 'Flying_Chariot_(Chu_Hieroglyph)'
elseif pc == 'fcd' then
fn = 'Flying_Chariot_(Chu_Hieroglyph)-opposite'
elseif pc == 'fol' then
fn = 'Flying_Ox_(Chu_Hieroglyph)'
elseif pc == 'fod' then
fn = 'Flying_Ox_(Chu_Hieroglyph)-opposite'
elseif pc == 'fsl' then
fn = 'Flying_Stag_(Chu_Hieroglyph)'
elseif pc == 'fsd' then
fn = 'Flying_Stag_(Chu_Hieroglyph)-opposite'
elseif pc == 'pnl' then
fn = 'Foot_Soldier_(Chu_Hieroglyph)'
elseif pc == 'pnd' then
fn = 'Foot_Soldier_(Chu_Hieroglyph)-opposite'
elseif pc == 'fbl' then
fn = 'Free_Boar_(Chu_Hieroglyph)'
elseif pc == 'fbd' then
fn = 'Free_Boar_(Chu_Hieroglyph)-opposite'
elseif pc == 'fkl' then
fn = 'Free_King_(Chu_Hieroglyph)'
elseif pc == 'fkd' then
fn = 'Free_King_(Chu_Hieroglyph)-opposite'
elseif pc == 'gbl' then
fn = 'Go-Between_(Chu_Hieroglyph)'
elseif pc == 'gbd' then
fn = 'Go-Between_(Chu_Hieroglyph)-opposite'
elseif pc == 'ggl' then
fn = 'Golden_General_(Chu_Hieroglyph)'
elseif pc == 'ggd' then
fn = 'Golden_General_(Chu_Hieroglyph)-opposite'
elseif pc == 'hfl' then
fn = 'Horned_Falcon_(Chu_Hieroglyph)'
elseif pc == 'hfd' then
fn = 'Horned_Falcon_(Chu_Hieroglyph)-opposite'
elseif pc == 'icl' then
fn = 'Incense_Chariot_(Chu_Hieroglyph)'
elseif pc == 'icd' then
fn = 'Incense_Chariot_(Chu_Hieroglyph)-opposite'
elseif pc == 'jdl' then
fn = 'Jade_General_(Chu_Hieroglyph)'
elseif pc == 'jdd' then
fn = 'Jade_General_(Chu_Hieroglyph)-opposite'
elseif pc == 'kgl' then
fn = 'King_General_(Chu_Hieroglyph)'
elseif pc == 'kgd' then
fn = 'King_General_(Chu_Hieroglyph)-opposite'
elseif pc == 'knl' then
fn = 'Kirin_(Chu_Hieroglyph)'
elseif pc == 'knd' then
fn = 'Kirin_(Chu_Hieroglyph)-opposite'
elseif pc == 'lnl' then
fn = 'Lion_(Chu_Hieroglyph)'
elseif pc == 'lnd' then
fn = 'Lion_(Chu_Hieroglyph)-opposite'
elseif pc == 'pxl' then
fn = 'Phoenix_(Chu_Hieroglyph)'
elseif pc == 'pxd' then
fn = 'Phoenix_(Chu_Hieroglyph)-opposite'
elseif pc == 'prl' then
fn = 'Prince_(Chu_Hieroglyph)'
elseif pc == 'prd' then
fn = 'Prince_(Chu_Hieroglyph)-opposite'
elseif pc == 'rcl' then
fn = 'Reverse_Chariot_(Chu_Hieroglyph)'
elseif pc == 'rcd' then
fn = 'Reverse_Chariot_(Chu_Hieroglyph)-opposite'
elseif pc == 'sml' then
fn = 'Side_Mover_(Chu_Hieroglyph)'
elseif pc == 'smd' then
fn = 'Side_Mover_(Chu_Hieroglyph)-opposite'
elseif pc == 'sgl' then
fn = 'Silver_General_(Chu_Hieroglyph)'
elseif pc == 'sgd' then
fn = 'Silver_General_(Chu_Hieroglyph)-opposite'
elseif pc == 'sel' then
fn = 'Soaring_Eagle_(Chu_Hieroglyph)'
elseif pc == 'sed' then
fn = 'Soaring_Eagle_(Chu_Hieroglyph)-opposite'
elseif pc == 'tnl' then
fn = 'Tokin_(Chu_Hieroglyph)'
elseif pc == 'tnd' then
fn = 'Tokin_(Chu_Hieroglyph)-opposite'
elseif pc == 'vml' then
fn = 'Vertical_Mover_(Chu_Hieroglyph)'
elseif pc == 'vmd' then
fn = 'Vertical_Mover_(Chu_Hieroglyph)-opposite'
elseif pc == 'wel' then
fn = 'Whale_(Chu_Hieroglyph)'
elseif pc == 'wed' then
fn = 'Whale_(Chu_Hieroglyph)-opposite'
elseif pc == 'whl' then
fn = 'White_Horse_(Chu_Hieroglyph)'
elseif pc == 'whd' then
fn = 'White_Horse_(Chu_Hieroglyph)-opposite'
elseif pc == 'ial' then
fn = 'Angle_Mover_(Chu_Hieroglyph)-inverted'
elseif pc == 'iad' then
fn = 'Angle_Mover_(Chu_Hieroglyph)-opposite-inverted'
elseif pc == 'ihl' then
fn = 'Dragon_Horse_(Chu_Hieroglyph)-inverted'
elseif pc == 'ihd' then
fn = 'Dragon_Horse_(Chu_Hieroglyph)-opposite-inverted'
elseif pc == 'idl' then
fn = 'Dragon_King_(Chu_Hieroglyph)-inverted'
elseif pc == 'idd' then
fn = 'Dragon_King_(Chu_Hieroglyph)-opposite-inverted'
elseif pc == 'iel' then
fn = 'Drunk_Elephant_(Chu_Hieroglyph)-inverted'
elseif pc == 'ied' then
fn = 'Drunk_Elephant_(Chu_Hieroglyph)-opposite-inverted'
elseif pc == 'itl' then
fn = 'Flying_Chariot_(Chu_Hieroglyph)-inverted'
elseif pc == 'itd' then
fn = 'Flying_Chariot_(Chu_Hieroglyph)-opposite-inverted'
elseif pc == 'ikl' then
fn = 'Free_King_(Chu_Hieroglyph)-inverted'
elseif pc == 'ikd' then
fn = 'Free_King_(Chu_Hieroglyph)-opposite-inverted'
elseif pc == 'ill' then
fn = 'Lion_(Chu_Hieroglyph)-inverted'
elseif pc == 'ild' then
fn = 'Lion_(Chu_Hieroglyph)-opposite-inverted'
elseif pc == 'isl' then
fn = 'Side_Mover_(Chu_Hieroglyph)-inverted'
elseif pc == 'isd' then
fn = 'Side_Mover_(Chu_Hieroglyph)-opposite-inverted'
elseif pc == 'ivl' then
fn = 'Vertical_Mover_(Chu_Hieroglyph)-inverted'
elseif pc == 'ivd' then
fn = 'Vertical_Mover_(Chu_Hieroglyph)-opposite-inverted'
return string.format( '[[File:%s.svg|%dx%dpx|alt=%s|%s]]', fn, size, size, alt, alt )
local function innerboard(args, size, rev)
local root = mw.html.create('div')
:css('position', 'relative')
:wikitext(string.format( '[[File:ChuShogiboard.svg|%dx%dpx|link=]]', 12 * size, 12 * size ))
for trow = 1,12 do
local row = rev and trow or ( 13 - trow )
for tcol = 1,12 do
local col = rev and ( 13 - tcol ) or tcol
local piece = args[12 * ( 12 - row ) + col + 2] or ''
if piece:match( '%w%w%w' ) then
local img = image_square(piece:match('%w%w%w'), row, col, size )
:css('position', 'absolute')
:css('z-index', '3')
:css('top', tostring(( trow - 1 ) * size) .. 'px')
:css('left', tostring(( tcol - 1 ) * size) .. 'px')
:css('width', size .. 'px')
:css('height', size .. 'px')
return tostring(root)
function ChuShogiboard(args, size, rev, letters, numbers, header, footer, align, clear)
function letters_row( rev, num_lt, num_rt )
local letters = {'12', '11', '10', '9', '8', '7', '6', '5', '4', '3', '2', '1'}
local root = mw.html.create('')
if num_lt then
:css('vertical-align', 'inherit')
:css('padding', '0')
for k = 1,12 do
:css('padding', '0')
:css('vartical-align', 'inherit')
:css('height', '18px')
:css('width', size .. 'px')
:wikitext(rev and letters[13-k] or letters[k])
if num_rt then
:css('vertical-align', 'inherit')
:css('padding', '0')
return tostring(root)
local letters_tp = letters:match( 'both' ) or letters:match( 'top' )
local letters_bt = letters:match( 'both' ) or letters:match( 'bottom' )
local numbers_lt = numbers:match( 'both' ) or numbers:match( 'left' )
local numbers_rt = numbers:match( 'both' ) or numbers:match( 'right' )
local width = 12 * size + 2
if ( numbers_lt ) then width = width + 18 end
if ( numbers_rt ) then width = width + 18 end
local root = mw.html.create('div')
:css('clear', clear)
:css('text-align', 'center')
local div = root:tag('div')
:css('width', width .. 'px')
local b = div:tag('table')
:attr('cellpadding', '0')
:attr('cellspacing', '0')
:css('background', 'white')
:css('font-size', '88%')
:css('border' , '1px #b0b0b0 solid')
:css('padding', '0')
:css('margin', 'auto')
if ( letters_tp ) then
:css('vertical-align', 'middle')
:wikitext(letters_row( rev, numbers_lt, numbers_rt ))
local tablerow = b:tag('tr'):css('vertical-align','middle')
if ( numbers_lt ) then
:css('padding', '0')
:css('vertical-align', 'inherit')
:css('width', '18px')
:css('height', size .. 'px')
:wikitext(rev and 1 or 12)
local td = tablerow:tag('td')
:attr('colspan', 12)
:attr('rowspan', 12)
:css('padding', '0')
:css('vertical-align', 'inherit')
:wikitext(innerboard(args, size, rev))
if ( numbers_rt ) then
:css('padding', '0')
:css('vertical-align', 'inherit')
:css('width', '18px')
:css('height', size .. 'px')
:wikitext(rev and 1 or 12)
if ( numbers_lt or numbers_rt ) then
for trow = 2, 12 do
local idx = rev and trow or ( 13 - trow )
tablerow = b:tag('tr')
:css('vertical-align', 'middle')
if ( numbers_lt ) then
:css('padding', '0')
:css('vertical-align', 'inherit')
:css('height', size .. 'px')
if ( numbers_rt ) then
:css('padding', '0')
:css('vertical-align', 'inherit')
:css('height', size .. 'px')
if ( letters_bt ) then
:css('vertical-align', 'middle')
:wikitext(letters_row( rev, numbers_lt, numbers_rt ))
if (footer and footer ~= '') then
return tostring(root)
function convertFenToArgs( fen )
-- converts FEN notation to 64 entry array of positions, offset by 3
local res = { ' ', ' ' }
-- Loop over rows, which are delimited by /
for srow in string.gmatch( "/" .. fen, "/%w+" ) do
-- Loop over all letters and numbers in the row
for piece in srow:gmatch( "%w" ) do
if piece:match( "%d" ) then -- if a digit
for k=1,piece do
table.insert(res,' ')
else -- not a digit
local color = piece:match( '%u' ) and 'l' or 'd'
piece = piece:lower()
table.insert( res, piece .. color )
return res
function convertArgsToFen( args, offset )
function nullOrWhitespace( s ) return not s or s:match( '^%s*(.-)%s*$' ) == '' end
function piece( s )
return nullOrWhitespace( s ) and 1
or s:gsub( '%s*(%a)(%a)%s*', function( a, b ) return b == 'l' and a:upper() or a end )
local res = ''
offset = offset or 0
for row = 1, 12 do
for file = 1, 12 do
res = res .. piece( args[12*(row - 1) + file + offset] )
if row < 12 then res = res .. '/' end
return mw.ustring.gsub(res, '1+', function( s ) return #s end )
function p.board(frame)
local args = frame.args
local pargs = frame:getParent().args
local size = args.size or pargs.size or '26'
local reverse = ( args.reverse or pargs.reverse or '' ):lower() == "true"
local letters = ( args.letters or pargs.letters or 'both' ):lower()
local numbers = ( args.numbers or pargs.numbers or 'both' ):lower()
local header = args[2] or pargs[2] or ''
local footer = args[67] or pargs[67] or ''
local align = ( args[1] or pargs[1] or 'tright' ):lower()
local clear = args.clear or pargs.clear or ( align:match('tright') and 'right' ) or 'none'
local fen = args.fen or pargs.fen
size = mw.ustring.match( size, '[%d]+' ) or '26' -- remove px from size
if (fen) then
align = args.align or pargs.align or 'tright'
clear = args.clear or pargs.clear or ( align:match('tright') and 'right' ) or 'none'
header = args.header or pargs.header or ''
footer = args.footer or pargs.footer or ''
return ChuShogiboard( convertFenToArgs( fen ), size, reverse, letters, numbers, header, footer, align, clear )
if args[3] then
return ChuShogiboard(args, size, reverse, letters, numbers, header, footer, align, clear)
return ChuShogiboard(pargs, size, reverse, letters, numbers, header, footer, align, clear)
function p.fen2ascii(frame)
-- {{#invoke:ChuShogiboard|fen2ascii|fen=...}}
local b = convertFenToArgs( frame.args.fen )
local res = '|=\n'
local offset = 3
for row = 1,12 do
local n = (13 - row)
res = res .. n .. ' |' ..
table.concat(b, '|', 12*(row-1) + 1 + offset, 12*(row-1) + 12 + offset) .. '|=\n'
res = mw.ustring.gsub( res,'\| \|', '| |' )
res = mw.ustring.gsub( res,'\| \|', '| |' )
res = res .. ' 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1'
return res
function p.ascii2fen( frame )
-- {{#invoke:ChuShogiboard|ascii2fen|kl| | |....}}
return convertArgsToFen( frame.args, frame.args.offset or 1 )
return p